Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

328 queens


First Dynasty

Neithotep mother of AHA, possibly consort of NARMER
Berenib consort of Aha
Hent consort of Aha, mother of DJER
Tey consort of AHA
Herneith consort of Djer, mother of DJET
Merneith consort of Djet, mother of DEN
Herneith consort of Den
Merneith consort of Den
Tarset consort of ADJIB, mother of SEMERKHET

Second Dynasty

Nima’athap consort of KHA’SEKHEMWY, mother of DJOSER

Third Dynasty

Heterphernebty consort of DJOSER, mother of SEKHEMKET
Merysankh (1) consort of HUNI, mother of SNEFRU

Fourth Dynasty

Hetepheres consort of Snefru, mother of KHUFU
Itet consort of Snefru
Neferkau consort of Snefru
Henutsen consort of Khufu, possible mother of KHAFRE
Hedjhekenu consort of Khufu
Meritites consort of Khufu, possible mother of Khufu
Nefertkau consort of Khufu
Hetepheres (2) consort of RA’DJEDEF
Khentetka consort of Ra’djedef
Persenti consort of Khafre
Khamerernebty consort of Khafre, mother of MENKAURÉ
Merysankh (3) consort of Khafre
Nedjhekenu consort of Menkauré
Khamerernebty consort of Menkauré, mother of SHEPSESKHAF
Bunefer consort of Shepseskhaf
Khentakawes consort of Shepseskhaf, possible mother of SAHURÉand KAKAI

Fifth Dynasty

Neferhetepes possible mother of USERKHAF
Neferhetepes consort of Userkhaf
Khentakawes possible consort of Userkhaf
Khentakawes consort of Kakai, mother of NEFEREFRÉand NIUSERRÉ
Khentikus consort of Niuserré
Reputneb consort of Niuserré
Nub consort of Niuserré
Nebet consort of UNIS
Khenut consort of Unis

Sixth Dynasty

Kawit (1) consort of TETI
Weret-Imtes (1) consort of Teti
Iput (1) consort of Teti, mother of PEPI I
Ankhnesmery-Ré (1) consort of Pepi I, mother of MERENRÉ
Neith consort of Merenré
Ankhnesmery-Ré (2) mother of PEPI II
Weret-Imtes (2) consort of Pepi II
Amtes (Yamtisy) consort of Pepi II
Ujebten consort of Pepi II
Iput (2) consort of Pepi II
Neith consort of Pepi II

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