Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt

(Frankie) #1

Omari, el- 287
Ombos 287
onions 287
“on the bricks” 287
Opet 287
oracles 288
Orbiney, Papyrus d’ 288
Orion 288
Osireion 288,288,288–289
Osiris 289,289–290
festivals honoring 290
Judgment Halls of 187–188
Litany of Osiris 215
mysteries of 290–291
temple of 291
Osiris and Isis, Mysteries of 259,
Osiris beds 290
Osiris gardens 290
Osochor 291
Osorkon, Chronicle of Prince 82
Osorkon I 291
Osorkon II 291
Osorkon III 291–292
Osorkon IV 292
ostraka 292
Overthrowing Apophis 292
Oxyrrhynchus (1) (city) 292
oxyrrhynchus (2) (fish) 292

paddle dolls 293
pa duat 293
Pa’hemmetcher 293
Paheri 293
Paibek’khamon 293
Pakhenti 293–294
Pakhet 294
Palermo Stone 294
palette 294
Pami 294
pan-graves 294–295
Panhesi 295
Panopolis 295
papyrus 295–296
Abbott 3
Amherst 34
Anastasi 37
Anhai 38
Ani 38
Beatty IV, Chester 67
Berlin Papyri 70
Ebers 114
Ghurob Shrine 145
Harris 159
Hearst 162
Hunefer 174
Judicial of Turin 188
Kahun 191
Lansing 211
London 218
Mayer B 229
Nebseni 264
Orbiney, d’ 288
Prisse 311
Ramesseum Papyri 339
Rhind 345
St. Petersburg 351
Sallier Papyri 351
Salt 352

Satirical 355
Smith, Edwin 115, 378
Turin Mining 413
Vindab 3873 425
Westcar 431
Wilbour 432
papyrus scepter 296
Par 296
paradise 296
Paraetonium 296
Parasites 296
Parennefer 296
Paser (1) (fl. 15th century B.C.E.)
Paser (2) (fl. 13th century B.C.E.)
Paser (3) (fl. 12th century B.C.E.)
pat 296
Patenemheb 297
Pawara 297
Pawero 297
Pay Lands 297
Peak of the West 297
Pebatma 297–298
pectoral 298
Pediese 298
Pedisamtawi 298
Pedubaste 298
Pedukhipa 298
Peftjau’abast 298
Pega 298
Pekassater 298
Pelusium 298
Penne 298–299
Penreshnas 299
Pentaur, Poem of 299
Pentaweret 299
Pentu 299
Pepi I 299
Pepi II 299–300
Pepi-Nakht 300
Per-Ankh 300
Perdiccas 300
perfume 300
Peribsen 300–301
peristyle court 301
per-nefer 301
pero 301
Per-Ramesses 301
Persea Tree 301,301–302
Persen 302
Persenti 302
Persia 302
Per-Temu 302
Pert-er-Kheru 302
Peru-Nefer 302
Peryneb 302
Pesuir 302–303
pet 303
Pete’ese 303
Petosiris 303
petrified forests 303
Peukestas 303
Phanes of Halicarnassus 303
pharaohs 303–305, 305
‘Adjib 9
Aha 14
‘Ahmose 15–16
Akhenaten 18–19

Alexander (III) the Great
Alexander IV 21
Amasis 24–25
Amenemhet I 25–26, 26
Amenemhet II 26–27
Amenemhet III 27
Amenemhet IV 27
Amenemhet V 27
Amenemhet VI 27
Amenemhet VII 27
Amenemnisu 28
Amenemope 28
Amenhotep I 29–30
Amenhotep II 30–31
Amenhotep III 31
Amenmesses 33
Amyrtaios (2) 36
Anather 37
Apophis (2) 44
Apries 44
Arses 46
Artaxerxes I 55
Artaxerxes III Ochus 55
Aya (1) 61
Aya (2) 61
Bakenrenef 64
Cambyses 79
Darius I 93
Darius II 93–94
Darius III Codoman 94
Dedumose II 95
Den 99
Djer 102–103
Djet 103
Djoser 103
Hakoris 156
Harnedjheriotef 158
Hatshepsut 161,161–162
Hor Awibré 170
Horemhab 170–171
Hotepsekhemwy 173
Huni 174
Inyotef I 181
Inyotef II 181
Inyotef III 181
Inyotef V 181
Inyotef VII 181
Ity 185
Iuput I 185
Iuput II 185
Izezi 186
Kakai 191
Kamose 191–192
Kaneferré 192
Kashta 195
Kha’ba 197
Khafre 198
Khamudi 199
Kha’sekhemwy 199–200
Khendjer 200
Khety I 201–202
Khian 202
Khufu 203,203–204
Menkauhor 236
Menkauré 236–237
Mentuemzaf 238
Merenptah 238
Merenré II 239
Merenré I (Nemtyemzaf)

Merikaré 239
Montuhotep I 250
Montuhotep II 250–251
Montuhotep III 251
Montuhotep IV 251
Mound of the 256
Nakare-Aba 260
Nakhthoreb 261
Narmer 262
Nebireyeraw 264
Nebka 264
Necho I 265
Necho II 265–266
Nectanebo I 266
Nectanebo II 266
Neferefré 266
Nefer-Hor 267
Neferhotep I 267–268
Neferhotep III 268
Neferkara 268
Neferku-Min 268
Neferkuré 268
Nephrites I 275
Nephrites II 275
Neterka 276
Nimlot (4) 278
Ninetjer 279
Nitocris (1) 279
Niuserré 279
Osochor 291
Osorkon I 291
Osorkon II 291
Osorkon III 291–292
Osorkon IV 292
Pami 294
Pedubaste 298
Peftjau’abast 298
Pepi I 299
Pepi II 299–300
Peribsen 300–301
Philip III Arrhidaeus 306
Piankhi (1) 307
Psammetichus I 311–312
Psammetichus II 312
Psammetichus III 312
Psusennes I 312
Psusennes II 312
Ptolemy I Soter 314,314–315
Ptolemy II Philadelphus 315
Ptolemy III Euergetes
Ptolemy IV Philopator 316
Ptolemy V Epiphanes 316
Ptolemy VI Philometor
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator
Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II 317
Ptolemy IX Soter II 317
Ptolemy X Alexander I 317
Ptolemy XI Alexander II
Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysius
Ptolemy XIII 318
Ptolemy XIV 318
Ptolemy XV Caesarion 318
Qa’a 324
Qakaré Iby 324
Ra’djedef 333

Index 457
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