Microsoft Word - Cengel and Boles TOC _2-03-05_.doc

(ff) #1
In the absence of compressed liquid data, a general approximation is to treat
compressed liquid as saturated liquid at the given temperature(Fig. 3–42).
This is because the compressed liquid properties depend on temperature
much more strongly than they do on pressure. Thus,

y≅ yf @ T (3–8)
for compressed liquids, where yis v,u, or h. Of these three properties, the
property whose value is most sensitive to variations in the pressure is the
enthalpy h. Although the above approximation results in negligible error in
vand u, the error in hmay reach undesirable levels. However, the error in h
at low to moderate pressures and temperatures can be reduced significantly
by evaluating it from
h≅ hf @ T vf @ T(P Psat @T) (3–9)

instead of taking it to be just hf. Note, however, that the approximation in
Eq. 3–9 does not yield any significant improvement at moderate to high
temperatures and pressures, and it may even backfire and result in greater
error due to overcorrection at very high temperatures and pressures (see
Kostic, Ref. 4).
In general, a compressed liquid is characterized by

Higher pressures (PPsatat a given T)
Lower tempreatures (TTsatat a given P)
Lower specific volumes (vvfat a given P or T)
Lower internal energies (uufat a given P or T)
Lower enthalpies (hhfat a given P or T)

But unlike superheated vapor, the compressed liquid properties are not
much different from the corresponding saturated liquid values.

134 | Thermodynamics

Given: Given: P P and and T
f^ @T
u=~uf f @T
h=~hf f @T



A compressed liquid may be
approximated as a saturated liquid at
the given temperature.


T, °C

5 MPa

T = 80°C
P= 5 MPa


u ≅ uf @ 80 °C


Schematic and T-udiagram for
Example 3–8.

EXAMPLE 3–8 Approximating Compressed Liquid
as Saturated Liquid

Determine the internal energy of compressed liquid water at 80°C and 5
MPa, using (a) data from the compressed liquid table and (b) saturated liq-
uid data. What is the error involved in the second case?

Solution The exact and approximate values of the internal energy of liquid
water are to be determined.
Analysis At 80°C, the saturation pressure of water is 47.416 kPa, and since
5 MPa Psat, we obviously have compressed liquid, as shown in Fig. 3–43.
(a) From the compressed liquid table (Table A–7)

(b) From the saturation table (Table A–4), we read

The error involved is

which is less than 1 percent.


 100 0.34%

uuf @ 80°C334.97 kJ>kg

P5 MPa

f u333.82 kJ>kg
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