state and the chemical energy term appears explicitly. When expressed prop-
erly, the enthalpy term should reduce to the enthalpy of formation h
- °fat the
standard reference state. With this in mind, we express the enthalpy of a
component on a unit mole basis as (Fig. 15–21)
where the term in the parentheses represents the sensible enthalpy relative to
the standard reference state, which is the difference between h
- the sensible
enthalpy at the specified state) and h
° (the sensible enthalpy at the standard
reference state of 25°C and 1 atm). This definition enables us to use enthalpy
values from tables regardless of the reference state used in their construction.
When the changes in kinetic and potential energies are negligible, the
steady-flow energy balance relation E
outcan be expressed for a chem-
ically reacting steady-flow systemmore explicitly as
Rate of net energy transfer in Rate of net energy transfer out
by heat, work, and mass by heat, work, and mass
where n
pand n
r represent the molal flow rates of the product pand the reac-
tant r, respectively.
In combustion analysis, it is more convenient to work with quantities
expressed per mole of fuel. Such a relation is obtained by dividing each
term of the equation above by the molal flow rate of the fuel, yielding
Energy transfer in per mole of fuel Energy transfer out per mole of fuel
by heat, work, and mass by heat, work, and mass
where Nrand Nprepresent the number of moles of the reactant rand the
product p, respectively, per mole of fuel. Note that Nr1 for the fuel, and
the other Nrand Npvalues can be picked directly from the balanced
combustion equation. Taking heat transfer tothe system and work done by
the system to be positivequantities, the energy balance relation just dis-
cussed can be expressed more compactly as
or as
If the enthalpy of combustion h
- °Cfor a particular reaction is available, the
steady-flow energy equation per mole of fuel can be expressed as
The energy balance relations above are sometimes written without the work
term since most steady-flow combustion processes do not involve any work
QWhC°aNp 1 hh° (^2) paNr 1 hh° (^2) r¬¬ 1 kJ>kmol 2
HreactaNr 1 h°fhh° (^2) r¬¬ 1 kJ>kmol fuel 2
HprodaNp 1 h°fhh° (^2) p¬¬ 1 kJ>kmol fuel 2
QWHprodHreact¬¬ 1 kJ>kmol fuel 2
QWaNp^1 h°fhh°^2 paNr^1 h°fhh°^2 r
QinWinaNr 1 h°fhh° (^2) rQoutWoutaNp 1 h°fhh° (^2) p
r^1 h°fhh°^2 rQ
p^1 h°fhh°^2 p
Enthalpyh°f 1 hh° 2 ¬¬ 1 kJ>kmol 2
766 | Thermodynamics
Enthalpy atEnthalpy at
2525 °C, 1 atmC, 1 atm
enthalpy relative enthalpy relative
to 25to 25 °C, 1 atmC, 1 atm
H H = = N(hf° ++ h h – h h °)
FIGURE 15–21
The enthalpy of a chemical component
at a specified state is the sum of the
enthalpy of the component at 25C, 1
atm (hf°), and the sensible enthalpy of
the component relative to 25C, 1 atm.
1555555552555555553 15555555525555555553
1555555552555555553 15555555525555555553