Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

of many foods we eat mostly found in meats, seafood etc... An abnormality in handling
uric acid and crystallization of these compounds in joints can cause attacks of painful
arthritis, kidney stones, and blockage of the kidney filtering tubules with uric acid
crystals and can lead to eventual kidney failure. Most of the time uric acid dissolves and
goes into the urine via the kidneys. However, if the body is producing too much uric
acid, or if the kidneys are not excreting enough uric acid, it builds up. The accumulation
results in sharp urate crystals which look like needles.(1) They accumulate in the joints or
surrounding tissue and cause pain, inflammation and swelling. They accumulate in the
joints or surrounding tissue and cause pain, inflammation and swelling. It’s usually
characterized by recurrent attacks of acute inflammatory arthritis—a red, tender, hot,
swollen joint (God knows I’ve had many) and the most commonly affected area is the
big toe 50% of the time and is called podagra. Other joints that can be affected include
the ankles, knees, wrists, fingers, heels and elbows and it is wise to always rest the joint
that hurts as much as possible. In some people, the acute pain is so intense that even a
bed sheet on the toe causes severe pain. I’ve personally have had sleepless nights of
tossing and turning, trying to numb the pain with a bag of ice. Usually, the gout attacks
occur in the middle of the night, supposedly the coolness and temperature drop
facilitates the crystallization of the uric acid in the joint.

Digging deeper, high levels of uric acid in the blood called Hyperuricemia is the
underlying cause of gout. Surprisingly, hyperuricemia is commonly found in many
people who never develop gout. Scientists are not completely sure what causes
hyperuricemia. There is definitely a genetic factor because a person who has close
relatives with hyperuricemia is more likely to develop it himself or you had the same bad
eating habits as your dad or mom and developed it that way.

To confirm a diagnosis of gout, your doctor may draw a sample of fluid from an
inflamed joint to look for crystals associated with gout or do a blood test to measure
the amount of uric acid in the blood.

WWhhoo’’ss aatt rriisskk?? (^)
Finally, you are more likely to have gout if you are a male, obese, is in your family genes,
drink excessive alcohol, eat foods high in purines, regular aspirin, niacin or diuretics use,

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