Gout Book.docx

(Jeff_L) #1

ok to use a little salt, but most foods have it naturally and they do taste fine without it.
But then again, there is nothing wrong with adding a bit of salt for most people. With
this decreased blood flow caused by high blood pressure, the kidneys and other vital
organs can’t get enough nutrients and oxygen. The prescribed drugs for high blood
pressure cause 50% of men to become impotent within 2 years. Usually men develop
high blood pressure when obese for about 8 years and women after 14 years. Women
have a built-in factor that protects them in their hormonal level that we don’t
understand completely yet but it does occur. So obesity plays a role beloved, it’s time to
start taking action and change your lifestyle forever.

What results can you get without taking the prescribed drugs from your doctor? What I
recommend, and please don’t do this on your own, please have your doctor monitor it
for 4 to 8 weeks or until you get results! Eighty five percent of you will get results within
that 8- week period and during that period please, pretty please don’t eat any meat,
eggs, cheese, butter and milk. You are not going to be on this diet permanently, just for
a short period of time. You will eat only fruits, vegetables, grains, whole grain breads
and use olive oil in your baking, all of it that you want. That is if you do bake, if not,
make sure to read the ingredients or ask your baker if they used olive oil in their baked
goods. In a study in a large number of adults, all they did was decrease the fat only to
10% of calories, so there was no visible fat, all the fat was trimmed and no disease was
developed. I am not saying that fat is entirely bad, it insulates the body and cushions the
vital organs and we have some 40 billion fat cells in our body. But the fats we ingest is
the cause of all these troubles. After 8 weeks, you will be off the medicine and during
this period, make sure to check your blood pressure twice a day. Decrease the medicine
very slowly with medical advice, have your doctor monitor you, he’s going to be
surprised at the results you get. Remember, if you reduce your fat intake to 10% of your
daily calories, your blood pressure will drop by 10% in 10 days. What about 30% of your
daily calories as fat? Then forget it, it won’t work. The best treatment is nutrition and
having your doctor as your monitor. As for any side effect, they will gradually go down
as your medicine is discontinued.

Over 4 ½ million people are rushed to the emergency room every year from prescribed
drug problems through drug interactions and bad reactions particularly the combination
of drugs and many people are allergic to them. Twenty percent of kidney failures are

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