Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics

(sharon) #1

Lecture Note Function

15 cab;taMgBIedImExmk GagrkSaTwkmYy)an)at;bg;TwkkñúgGRtaefrmYy. enAéf¶TI12 énEx GagrkSa

TwkenaHpÞúkTwk)an 200 lan háaLúg. enAéf¶TI 21 vaenAsl;Et 164 lanháaLúg. cUrsresr

kenSamtag[brimaNTwkenAkñúgGag CaGnuKmn_eTAnwgeBl rYcsg;RkahV. etIenAéf¶TI8 TwkenAkñúg

GagmancMNuHb:unμan? (Since the beginning of the month, a local reservoir has been
losing water at a constant rate. On the 12th of the month the reservoir held 200
million gallons of water, and on the 21th it held only 164 million gallons.
Express the amount of water in the reservoir as a function the time and draw the
graph. How much water was in the reservoir as a function of time and draw the
graph. )
( Answer: yx=− + 4248 216 million gallons).

16 ]sSahkrN_mñak;GacplitviTüúedaycMNayelIéføedIm 2duløakñúgmYyeRKOg. viTüúenaHRtUv)anlk;

kñúgtémø5duløakñúgmYyeRKOg EdlcMeBaHtémøenH GtifiCnnwgTijviTüúTaMgenaH4000eRKOgkñúgmYy

Ex. ]sSahkrN_rUbenaHeRKagnwgeFVIkartemøIgéføviTüúTaMgenaHehIy)anrMBwgTukCamunfa sRmab;

kartemøIgéfø 1duløa enaHcMnYnviTüúEdllk; nwgFøak;cuHcMnYn 400eRKOgkñúgmYyEx. cUrsresrkenSam

tag[cMnYnviTüú Edlnwglk; dac;CaGnuKmn_eTAnwgtémølk; rYcrkemKuNR)ab;Tis. ENnaM³

cMnYnviTüúEdlnwglk; dac; CaGnuKmn_lIenEG‘r eTA nwgtémøy xEdllk; ehIyRkahVrbs;vakat;tam

cMNuc. (A manufacturer can produce radios at a cost of $2 apiece. The
radios have been selling for $5 apiece, and at this price, consumers have been
buying 4,000 radios a month. The manufacturer is planning to raise the price of
the radios and estimates that for each $1 increase in the price, 400 fewer radios
will be sold each month. Express the number of radios sold as a function of the
manufacturer’s selling price. [Hint: Note that the number of radios sold y is a
linear function of the selling price x and that its graph passes through the point
(5, 4000). What is the slope?]

(5, 4000)

(Answer: 400 10( −xx), 0≤≤ 10 )

17 kñúgkarplitTMnijmYyÉkta enaHeKcMNayelIéføedIm px= 35 + 15 esn enAeBlEdlxÉkta

RtUv)anplit. ebIeKlk;eTAvijkñúgtémødEdlenH nUvTMnijcMnYnxÉkta enaHcUrsresrGnuKn_R)ak;

cMNUlCaGnuKmn_énx. (Each unit of a certain commodity costs px= 35 + 15 cents
when x units of the commodity are produced. If all x units are sold at this price,
express the revenue derived from the sales as a function of x.)

(Ans:Px x x( )=+( (^3515) ))
18 plitkrmñak; lk;GMBUlePøIgkñúgtémø6duløakñúgmYyGMBUl ehIycMeBaHtémøenH GtifiCn)anTij3000
GMBUlkñúgmYyEx. plitkrenaHR)afñacg;temøIgéføGMBUl ehIy)anrMBwgTukfa cMeBaHkareLIgéfø1duløa
enaH vanwgeFVI[cMnYnGMBUlEdllk;dac; Føak;cuHcMnYn1000GMBUlkñúgmYyEx. plitkrenaHGacplit
GMBUledayeRbIéføedIm4duløakñúgmYyGMBUl. cUrsresrkenSamR)ak;cMeNjRbcaMExrbs;plitkr
BIkarlk;GMBUl CaGnuKmn_eTAnwgéfølk; sg;RkahV rYc):an;sμanéfølk;EdlRbesIrbMput. (A
manufacturer has been selling lamps at the price of $6 per lamp, and at this price,

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