Applied Mathematics for Business and Economics

(sharon) #1

Lecture Note Function of Two Variables

Ifx= 2 , it follows from the equation x^2 =y^2 thatyy=2 or =−^2. Similarly, if ,

it follows that. Hence, the four points at which the constrained

extrema can occur are

x=− 2
yy==2 or 2

2, 2 ,(2, 2 ,−−)( 2, 2 , a) nd 2, 2(−−). Since
ff(2, 2)( )=−−=2, 2 4 and f f(2, 2−=− =−) ( 2, 2) 4

it follows that when xy^22 += 8 , the maximum value of f(xy, )is 4, which occurs at

the points (2, and the minimum value isെ4which occurs at(2,െ2ሻ 

and ሺെ2, 2ሻ.

2 an)d ( )−−2, 2

An editor has been allocated $60,000 to spend on the development and promotion of a
new book. It is estimated that if x thousand dollars is spent on development and y
thousand on promotion, approximately f(xy,20)= x y^32 copies of the book will be

sold. How much money should the editor allocate to development and how much to
promotion in order to maximize sales?


The goal is to maximize the functionf(xy,20)= x y^32 subject to the constraint

gxy(),6= 0

, 3

, wheregxy x y(), =+. The corresponding Lagrange equations are





1/ 2

30 , 1

20 , 2

,6 0


fg xy
fg x
gxy K x y


⎧ ==⎧

⎪ ⎪

⎨⎨=⇒ =


⎩ ⎩

From (1) and (2) you get
30 12 20 32

x yx

y x



Substituting this expression into the (3) you get
60 or 60

xx+ ==x

From which it follows that
xy=36 and = 24

That is, to maximize sales, the editor should spend $36,000 on development and $

24,000 on promotion. If this is done, approximatelyf(36, 24)=103, 680copies of the

book will be sold.

Example 3
A consummer has $600 to spend on two commodities, the first of which costs $20 per
unit and the second $30 per unit. Suppose that the utility derived by the consumer
from x units of the first commodity and y units of the second commodity is given by

the Cobb-Douglas utility functionUxy( ,10)= x y0.6 0.4. How many units of each

commodity should the consumer buy to maximize utility? (A utility function

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