Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1
Fig. 6

It will be seen that while in the first step knowledge based on Sabda only covers
the other two, the progressive resolution results in the last step in the complete separa-
tion of the three. Students of Science will also find the analogy of an emulsion helpful
in understanding this progressive resolution and separation into two separate and dis-
tinct constituents. If two immiscible liquids are shaken together vigorously it is possi-
ble to prepare an emulsion in which both appear to be present in a homogeneous condi-
tion though they really remain separate. But if the emulsion is allowed to stand for
sometime the two liquids will gradually separate out into two separate layers. This
analogy is especially apt because it is the absence of agitation which leads to the sepa-
ration of the two layers just as in Savitarka Samadhi it is really the extreme tranquilli-
zation of the mind which brings about the separation of the different kinds of knowl-
When the different mental components have separated and are seen in their cor-
rect relationship then there can be no confusion or going from one to the other. It is
because they are mistaken for one another and the proper province of each is not de-
fined that there is confusion and consequent Vitarka (see also in this connection III-
17). When the mental picture clears up and each component is seen in true perspective
Vitarka must come to an end.

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