Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

the mental processes in Savicara-Nirvicara and other higher stages of Samadhi are
analogous to those of Savitarka-Nirvitarka Samadhi, i.e. the Samadhi in relation to
Suksma-visayas or subtle objects, begins with Samyama on the outermost aspect of the
object which is the most complex and ending with the isolation of the object in its real
state which is the simplest. It may be mentioned here that the progressive involution of
consciousness in matter is generally accompanied by the increasing complexity of the
functions and the reverse process of release of consciousness from the limitations of
matter means simplification of functions. An example will serve to throw some light
on this general principle. The process of perceiving an external world requires the
agency of sense-organs on the physical plane, there being a separate sense-organ for
contacting each Bhuta. But on the higher spiritual planes perception takes place
through a single faculty which is called Pratibha and which performs the functions of
all the five sense-organs in an integrated manner.
A clear grasp of this fundamental principle will help the student in understand-
ing the role of Samadhi in this process of unveiling the subtler and more profound as-
pects of objects in the manifested Universe. Samadhi does nothing more than reverse
this involution of consciousness and this evolution or unfoldment of consciousness
automatically reveals the subtler aspects of these objects. What the Yogi really does is
to sink deeper and deeper into his own consciousness. This brings into action the more
comprehensive faculties of the increasingly subtler planes which alone can reveal the
subtler aspects of objects. What the intellect may strain to the utmost to understand
without much success becomes self-evident in the light of these higher faculties. That
is why Patanjali has not tried to deal with matters which are really beyond the compre-
hension of the brain-bound intellect.

  1. The province of Samadhi concerned with subtle objects extends upto the Alinga
    stage of the Gunas.

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