Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

  1. On suppression of even that owing to suppression of all (modifications of
    the mind) ‘Seedless’ Samadhi (is attained).

When the capacity to perform Samyama has been acquired and the Yogi can
pass easily into the last stage of Sabija Samadhi corresponding to the Asmita stage of
Samprajnata Samadhi (I-17) and the Alinga stage of the Gunas (II-19) he is ready for
taking the last step, namely, transcending the realm of Prakrti altogether and attaining
Self-realization. In the Asmita stage consciousness is functioning in the subtlest form
of Citta and enlightenment has reached the highest degree, but since consciousness is
still in the realm of Prakrti it must be limited to some extent. The veils of illusion
have been removed one after another but there is still present one last, almost imper-
ceptible veil which prevents complete Self-realization and the object of Nirbija
Samadhi is to remove this. In the earlier stages of Samprajnata Samadhi the dropping
of the ‘seed’ leads to the emergence of consciousness into the next subtler plane but
after the Asmita stage has been reached and the consciousness is centred on the Atmic
plane the dropping of the ‘seed’ will lead the emergence of consciousness into the
plane of Purusa himself. The Light which was upto this stage illuminating other ob-
jects now illuminates Itself, for it has withdrawn beyond the realm of these objects.
The Seer is now established in his own Self (I-3).
It is impossible to imagine this state in which the light of consciousness illumi-
nates itself instead of illuminating other objects outside itself but the student, at least,
should not make the mistake of imagining it as a state in which the Yogi finds himself
immersed in a sea of nebulous bliss and knowledge. Each successive stage of unfold-
ment of consciousness increases tremendously its vividness and clarity and brings
about an added influx of knowledge and power. It is absurd to suppose therefore that
in the last stage which marks the climax of this unfoldment consciousness lapses sud-
denly into a vague and nebulous state. It is only the limitations of the vehicles through

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