Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1


  1. Austerity, self-study and resignation to Isvara constitute preliminary

The last three of the five elements of Niyama enumerated in II-32 have been
placed in the above Sutra under the title of Kriya-Yoga. This is rather an unusual pro-
cedure and we should try to grasp the significance of this repetition in a book which
attempts to condense knowledge to the utmost limit. Obviously, the reason why Tapas,
Svadhyaya and Isvara-Pranidhana are mentioned in two different contexts lies in the
fact that they serve two different purposes. And since the development of the subject
of self-culture in Section II of the Yoga-Sutras is progressive in character it follows
that the purpose of these three elements in II-l is of a more preliminary nature than that
in II-32. Their purpose in II-32 is the same as that of the other elements of Niyama and

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