Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

This preparatory self-discipline is triple in its nature corresponding to the triple
nature of a human being. Tapas is related to his will, Svadhyaya to the intellect and
Isvara-Pranidhana to the emotions. This discipline, therefore, tests and develops all
the three aspects of his nature and produces an all-round and balanced growth of the
individuality which is so essential for the attainment of any high ideal. This point will
become clear when we consider the significance of these three elements of Kriya-Yoga
in dealing with II-32.
There exists some confusion with regard to the meaning of the Samskrta word
Kriya, some commentators preferring to translate it as ‘preliminary’, others as ‘practi-
cal’. As a matter of fact Kriya-Yoga is both practical and preliminary. It is preliminary
because it has to be taken up in the initial stages of the practice of Yoga and it is prac-
tical because it puts to a practical test the aspirations and earnestness of the Sadhaka
and develops in him the capacity to begin the practice of Yoga as distinguished from
its mere theoretical study however deep this might be.

  1. (Kriya-Yoga) is practised for attenuating Klesas and bringing about

Although the practice of the three elements of Kriya-Yoga is supposed to sub-
serve the preparatory training of the aspirant it should not therefore be assumed that
they are of secondary importance and have only a limited use in the life of the Sad-
haka. How effective this training is and to what exalted stage of development it is ca-
pable of leading the aspirant will be seen from the second Sutra which we are consid-
ering and which gives the results of practising Kriya-Yoga. Kriya-Yoga not only at-
tenuates the Klesas and thus lays the foundation of the Yogic life but it also leads the
aspirant to Samadhi, the essential and final technique of Yoga. It is, therefore, also
capable of building to a great extent the superstructure of the Yogic life. The impor-
tance of Kriya-Yoga and the high stage of development to which it can lead the Sad-

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