Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1
ignorance or lack of awareness of Reality field; source of

the following ones (of) dormant; sleeping attenuated; thin scat-

tered; dispersed; alternating (and) expanded; fully operative.

  1. Avidya is the source of those that are mentioned after it, whether they be
    in the dormant, attenuated, alternating or expanded condition.

This Sutra gives two important facts concerning the nature of the Klesas. The
first is their mutual relationship. Avidya is the root-cause of the other four Klesas
which in their turn produce all the miseries of human life. A closer study of the nature
of the other four Klesas will show not only that they can grow only on the soil of
Avidya but also that the five Klesas form a connected series of causes and effects. The
relation existing between the five Klesas may be likened to the relation of root, trunk,
branches, leaves and fruit in a tree. The conclusion that the five Klesas are related to
one another in this manner is further strengthened by II-10 but we shall discuss this
question in dealing with that Sutra.
The other idea in this Sutra is the classification of the states or conditions in
which these Klesas may exist. These four states are defined as (1) dormant, (2) attenu-
ated (3) alternating, (4) expanded. The dormant condition is that in which the Klesa is
present but in a latent form. It cannot find expression for lack of proper conditions for
its expression and its kinetic energy has become potential. The attenuated condition is
that in which the Klesa is present in a very feeble or tenuous condition. It is not active
but can become active in a mild degree on a stimulus being applied. In the fully ex-
panded condition the Klesa is fully operative and its activity is all too apparent like the
waves on the surface of the sea in a storm. The alternating condition is that in which
two opposite tendencies overpower each other alternately as in the case of two lovers
who sometimes become angry and affectionate alternately. The feelings of attraction
and repulsion alternate, though fundamentally they are based on attachment.

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