Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

Sutras, II-18 and 19, he has put in a nutshell all the essential facts which concern the
phenomenal world and thus given us a masterly analysis of the Seen.

  1. The Seen (objective side of manifestation) consists of the elements and
    sense-organs, is of the nature of cognition, activity and stability (Sattva, Rajas and
    Tamas) and has for its purpose (providing the Purusa with) experience and liberation.

In II-18 we see how the master minds who developed the science of Yoga had
the capacity to go to the heart of every matter and after separating the essential from
the non-essential could grasp and formulate the essential facts. In one brief Sutra
Patanjali has analysed and placed before us the fundamental facts concerning the es-
sential nature of the phenomenal world and its perception and purpose. First, he gives
the essential nature of all phenomena which are the objects of perception. These ac-
cording to the well-known conception of Hindu philosophy are really made up of the
three Gunas the nature of which will be explained later on. He then points out that the
perception of the phenomenal world is really the result of the interactions of the Bhu-
tas and Indriyas, the ‘elements’ and the ‘sense-organs’. And lastly, he points out the
purpose and function of the phenomenal world which is twofold. Firstly, to provide
experience for the Purusas who seem to be evolving in it, and secondly, through this
experience to lead them gradually to emancipation and Enlightenment.
It is necessary to note that the word used for the phenomenal world is Drsyam,
that which is ‘seen’ or is capable of being ‘seen’. The contact of Purusa and Prakrti
results in the emergence of a duality which in modern language may be called the sub-
jective and objective sides of Nature. Of these the Purusa is the essence or substratum
of the subjective and Prakrti that of the objective side of this duality. As conscious-

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