Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

long as we confine ourselves to the phenomena of the physical plane we can never
have an adequate idea of the magnitude and nature of the task, even though on the
physical plane also the different phases of this long process present a stupendous spec-
tacle. It is in the invisible realms of the mind and the Spirit that evolution produces its
most magnificent results and the powers of the Purusa find their chief expression.
Perhaps some idea of the necessity and manner of this development may be ob-
tained from a simile. The music which a great musician can produce depends upon the
quality and the efficiency of his instrument. Place an instrument in his hand which he
has never used and he will feel helpless till he has mastered that instrument. The poor
quality of the instrument will handicap him enormously. The quality of the music
which can be produced depends upon three factors, the capacity of the musician, the
efficiency of the instrument and the co-ordination of the two. Even though the Purusa
has all the powers potentially unless he is provided with an efficient set of vehicles
and learns to control and use these vehicles he may remain a helpless spectator of the
world drama which is being played around him. It is in some such way that we can
visualize through the intellect the gradual unfoldment of the powers of the Purusa
along with the powers of Prakrti, though fundamentally, this question is an ultimate
question connected with the ‘why’ of manifestation and thus beyond the scope of the
The simultaneous development of the vehicles on all the planes of manifestation
and the capacity to use them is not the only purpose of bringing together Purusa and
Prakrti. The Purusa has not only to master these vehicles but has also to transcend
them. For, until and unless he can do this he will remain under the limitations of the
planes to which he is confined and be subject to their illusions. He is destined to be
above the limitations and illusions of those planes as well as to be a master of those
planes. This is what Self-realization or Svarupopalabdhi means to accomplish. These
are not to be considered as two independent objectives. The complete mastery of the
lower planes and their transcendence are really two aspects of the same problem be-
cause complete mastery on these planes is not possible until the Purusa passes out of
the control of Prakrti. The last step in the mastery of anything generally consists in
transcending it or going beyond its influence and control. Then only we can know it
fully and control it completely.

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