Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

ess or not we are in it and have to go through it and it is no use behaving like children
who try to avoid going to school and have to be sent there against their will. The best
way of freeing ourselves from this necessity is to acquire perfection as quickly as we
can. Then there will be no necessity of our being forced to remain in this school and
our freedom will come automatically.
It is very necessary to point out this aspect of our bondage because there are a
large number of aspirants, especially in India, who have a rather strange notion with
regard to the cause and nature of the bondage in which they find themselves. They do
not take life on the lower planes as a kind of school in which they have to learn certain
things but rather as a prison from which they have to escape as soon as possible. They
hardly realize the implications of this attitude which really means that they consider
God as a heartless Being who sends His children into the lower worlds just for the fun
of seeing them go through all this pain and suffering. If life in the lower worlds is
taken as a school then we shall not only feel no resentment against the severe disci-
pline to which we are subjected but will also adopt the right means for getting out of
the miseries and sufferings which are incidental to this life. The right means obviously
is that we should learn the necessary lessons as thoroughly and as quickly as possible
instead of merely devising means of escape which are bound to prove ineffective in the
long run. Seen in this light Yogic discipline is merely the last phase of our training
whereby our education is completed and rounded off before we are allowed to lead a
free and independent life.

  1. The dissociation of Purusa and Prakrti brought about by the dispersion
    of Avidya is the real remedy and that is the Liberation of the Seer.

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