Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

deviate from a fixed position and it has to acquire the tendency to come back to its
position of stability automatically. So meditation on Anarta the Serpent which symbol-
izes this particular kind of force is prescribed. The reason why this force is symbolized
by a serpent will be apparent to anyone who has seen a gyroscope which reminds one
of a coiled snake with its head raised as shown below:

Fig. 7

In Hindu symbolism a thing is generally symbolized by an object or animal which it
resembles most closely in outer appearance.
How does meditation on this force help the Sadhaka to acquire the stability of
the physical posture which he wants to maintain? It is not necessary here to do more
than refer to the well-known law of Nature according to which meditation or deep
pondering over any idea or principle tends to bring down the corresponding force
gradually in our life. In fact, the whole science of acquiring Siddhis or occult powers
as expounded in Section III of the Yoga-Sutras is based on this axiomatic truth of
Yogic philosophy. It should be noted that the word used is Samapattibhyam which
means ‘fusing the mind with’. This is really what happens when we ponder deeply or
meditate on an idea and open up a channel for the influx of its corresponding power.

  1. From that no assaults from the pairs of opposites.

The third Sutra hints at the most important result of attaining perfection in the
practice of Asana—resistance to the pairs of opposites. These pairs of opposites or
Dvandvas as they are called in Samskrta are the well-known opposite conditions in our

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