Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

  1. This having been (accomplished) Pranayama which is cessation of inspi-
    ration and expiration (follows).

The reason why Pranayama plays such an important part in the technique of
Yoga lies in the close relation existing between Prana and mind. Prana which exists
on all the planes of manifestation is the connecting link between matter and energy on
the one hand and consciousness and mind on the other. Consciousness expressing itself
through the mind cannot come into touch with matter and function through it without
the intermediate presence of Prana. Matter in association with energy cannot affect
consciousness except through the agency of Prana. That is why Prana is found on all
the planes. It is necessary for the vitalization and functioning of all vehicles of con-
sciousness, physical or superphysical. This capacity to act as intermediary depends
upon its peculiar constitution. It combines in itself in some mysterious manner the es-
sential qualities of both matter and consciousness and is thus able to serve as an in-
strument for their actions and reactions on each other.
This intimate relation existing between Prana and mind is utilized in different
schools of Yoga in different ways. In Hatha-Yoga manipulation of Pranic currents is
utilized for bringing about control of Citta-Vrttis and changes in consciousness. In
Raja-Yoga, Citta-Vrttis are controlled by consciousness through the will and Prana
thus comes under the control of the mind. Patanjali has included both the techniques in
his system in order to make it as comprehensive and effective as possible. Thus
Pranayama is utilized for preparing the mind for Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi on
the one hand and Samyama on various objects or principles used for acquiring Siddhis
on the other.
Although students of Yogic philosophy are generally familiar with the theory of
Pranayama and a fairly extensive literature exists on the subject it would be worth-

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