Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

the depth of the reality in which they are rooted. Take, for example, the following ob-
jects: a piece of stone, a rose and a human being. All the three objects have their
physical casing and although the physical particles constituting the physical form are
progressively more organized as we pass from the first to the third, still, there is not
much difference between them if we consider only their physical nature. But what a
tremendous difference there exists between them when we try to go behind the outer
forms in order to unravel the mystery which lies hidden within them! Any fool can see
that there is some difference between them although all three of them are physically on
the same level. A rose arouses even in the ordinary man thoughts and emotions which
a stone can never do and the mystery which is hidden behind the human form is one of
the eternal riddles of the Universe. Materialistic philosophy may use all the logic
which it can command to prove that essentially there is no difference between the ob-
jects except that of functions and structures and people may thoughtlessly repeat these
dogmas of a mechanistic universe but in actual life nobody takes these dogmas seri-
ously and even the rank materialist has to recognize and take into account these differ-
ences in his life. The voice of intuition cannot be silenced by these intellectual dog-
What causes the differences between ‘objects’ such as those mentioned above?
Why is a rose a more mysterious object than a piece of stone and a human being infi-
nitely more mysterious than a rose? To understand these differences it is necessary to
bear in mind that the outer form of any physical or mental object is merely a covering
of an inner reality and what we mentally see of the object does not constitute the total-
ity of the object. As in the case of a ship the part which is submerged below the sur-
face of water is much larger than the part that is visible, in the same way, what we
mentally see in an object is merely a small fraction of what is hidden from our view.
The researches made in the domain of Science have brought to our knowledge by
methods of experiment and reasoning a part of these hidden realities but what we have
come to know in this manner is very little and of comparatively less significance as
compared with the totality of what lies beyond the range of scientific investigations.
These submerged aspects of all objects can be exhaustively investigated only by the
methods of Yoga, and Samyama is the key which unlocks the doors of these hidden
All objects in the manifested Universe, as has been pointed out already, are an
expression of an Ultimate Reality but the roots of different objects lie at different lev-

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