Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

this can be done taking into consideration what has been said in relation to the func-
tioning of Citta.
Let us take the field of Bhutas or elements first. As has been explained else-
where (II-19) it is by the action of Bhutas on the Indriyas that sensuous perception
takes place. What is the action of Bhutas due to in the last analysis? Obviously, to the
physical and chemical properties of different kinds of matter. It is these properties
which make us see colours, hear sounds and produce the innumerable sensations which
form the raw material of our mental life. It is these properties which are inherent in
matter and appear under different conditions which are the specific instruments of
Bhutas and by their action on the Indriyas proauce all kinds of sensuous perceptions.
These properties in their totality are called Dharma in the present context.
According to the Yogic conception of matter all kinds of chemical and physical
properties are not separate properties of different elements and compounds which Sci-
ence has discovered. They inhere in one parent substance. The different elements and
compounds merely serve as vehicles for making manifest the properties which are la-
tent in the parent substance. This basic medium or repository of all properties is called
Dharmi in the next Sutra.
What is the significance of the three Parinamas in relation to the Bhutas? Cor-
responding to Nirodha Parinama of Citta there will be reduction to the state of
Dharmi, the basic medium in which all the properties have become latent and the
Dharmi is present in a perfectly quiescent state. Corresponding to the Samadhi Pari-
nama of Citta there will be a concentration towards a particular set of properties in-
stead of the properties changing continously in a haphazard manner according to the
prevailing natural conditions. Corresponding to Ekagrata Parinama of Citta there will
be a stationary state in which one particular set of properties holds the field for the
time being or the Dharmi remains in exactly the same state for a certain period.
The continuous changes in matter which are brought about by natural forces
correspond to the condition of the ordinary mind which passes from one object to an-
other in a haphazard manner according to the laws of mental association. Changes in
matter which are brought about by deliberately regulating the conditions in a particular
way are analogous to Samadhi Parinama. This may be done either by the regulation of
the external conditions, as is done by a scientist, or by going to the source of all prop-
erties and manipulating them from there, as is done by a Yogi. In the latter kind of
technique lies the secret of many Siddhis such as Bhuta Jaya dealt with in III-45.

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