Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

Samyama on the three kinds of transformations makes the Yogi realize the na-
ture of the ever-flowing current of time in the form of the past and the future. It does
not enable him to transcend time and gain a glimpse of the Eternal which is hidden
behind time. This is brought about by a different process given in III-53.

  1. The sound, the meaning (behind it) and the idea (which is present in the
    mind at the time) are present together in a confused state. By performing Samyama (on
    the sound) they are resolved and there arises comprehension of the meaning of sounds
    uttered by any living being.

If we are to understand how the Yogi can comprehend the meaning of the
sounds uttered by any living being we have to consider the composite mental process
which produces the sounds. Take, for example, a nightingale calling to its mate. We
hear only the external sound but that sound is the final expression of a complex proc-
ess in which two other elements are involved. One is the image of its mate present in
the mind of the nightingale and the other is the desire or purpose (Artha), namely, to
see the mate. Without both these elements the sounds could not be produced. If anyone
could enter the mind of the nightingale he would become aware of both these factors
and gain immediately a comprehension of the meaning of the external sounds. Now, it
has been shown already in explaining I-42 that when several factors of this nature are
present together in a complex mental process they can be resolved and separated from
each other by performing Samyama on the factor which is outermost. The three factors
together constitute a ‘seed’ which can be split open and the meaning separated out as
explained already. This will immediately enable the Yogi to comprehend the meaning

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