Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

in ordinary thinking. The effect is increased tremendously in Samadhi for the follow-
ing reason. When the Yogi performs Samyama on any quality his mind becomes one
with that quality tor the time being as has been explained in I-41. The positive quali-
ties like courage, compassion etc. are not vague nebulous things as they appear to the
lower mind but real, living, dynamic principles of unlimited power which cannot mani-
fest fully in the lower worlds for lack of adequate instruments. A principle or quality
merely sheds its radiance feebly, as it were, while we merely think of the quality, the
radiance becoming more and more bright as the thinking becomes deeper and more
persistent and the mind gets more and more attuned to the quality. But when Samyama
is performed on the particular quality and it fuses with the mind it can manifest
through it to an unlimited extent. Even when this condition of being en rapport with
the quality ends on the cessation of Samyama the effect of this direct contact is to
make a permanent impression on the mind and to increase enormously its power to
manifest that quality under normal conditions. And with repeated Samyama the mind
gets so attuned to the quality that its perfect expression in normal life becomes easy
and natural.
That is how the advanced Yogi can make himself the very embodiment of the
powers of love, sympathy, courage, patience, etc. and can express them to an extent
which seems wonderful to the neophyte who is still struggling to acquire those quali-
ties. Samyama, therefore, provides the Yogi with the most efficient technique of char-

  1. (By performing Samyama) on the strengths (of animals) the strength of
    an elephant, etc.

What has been said above with regard to qualities which may be called human
traits of character applies equally to powers which are special characteristics of ani-
mals. Thus, if the Yogi performs Samyama on strength which is possessed in different
degrees by different animals he can acquire strength, even that of an elephant. Of

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