Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

perphysieal aspects which are hidden from our view but are far more interesting and
significant. A general knowledge regarding our Sun as obtained by scientific methods
will convince anyone that the Sun is in some mysterious manner the very heart and
soul of the Solar system. Occult investigations based on Yogic methods have shown
that this appearance of all life in the Solar system being centred in the Sun has a
deeper significance and is due to the fact that the Solar system is a vehicle for the ex-
pression of the life and consciousness of a Mighty Being whom we call as Isvara or a
Solar Logos. This life and consciousness expresses itself at different levels through the
different planes of the Solar system which interpenetrate one another and form one
integrated whole.
Since the different planes of the Solar system are organically related to one an-
other and the physical Sun is the centre of this complex organism, it is easy to see how
Samyama on the Sun will unfold in the mind of the Yogi the whole pattern of the Solar
system and give him a comprehensive knowledge not only with regard to the structure
of our Solar system but all Solar systems which constitute the Cosmos. For, these So-
lar systems though separated from one another by tremendous distances are not really
independent of one another. They are rooted in the One Ultimate Reality, derive their
life from one ‘Common Source’ and are modelled on one pattern.

  1. (By performing Samyama) on the moon knowledge concerning the ar-
    rangement of stars.

This Sutra provides an illustration of the principle that by performing Samyama
on an external phenomenon it is possible to obtain knowledge of the basic law or prin-
ciple upon which that phenomenon is based. A study of the sky by astronomical meth-
ods has not only enlarged our horizon and given us knowledge of stars, galaxies, and
universes beyond human ken but it has also enabled us to gain a glimpse into the rela-
tions which exist between these different groups of stars. With every increase in the
power of magnification of telescopes new galaxies and universes come within the

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