Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

fixed and which is, therefore, considered as a symbol of fixity. This is called Dhruva
or pole-star. This star may, therefore, be taken to be a symbol of the fundamental law
of motion referred to above. By Samyama on Dhruva is, therefore, meant not Samyama
on the physical star which bears that name but on the law of motion of which it is a
How Samyama on this fundamental law will enable the Yogi to acquire knowl-
edge of all the laws of motion governing the movements of the heavenly bodies will be
clear if we remember that the different laws of motion are inter-related and by per-
forming Samyama on the basic law it is possible to acquire knowledge of all. Those
who are familiar with the philosophy of modern Science will recall how Science is
always aiming to discover a simple and fundamental law which underlies a number of
diverse laws working in a particular sphere. Such a search is based on the intuitive
perception of the fundamental unity underlying manifestation. All laws of Nature op-
erating in different spheres and apparently quite unrelated are really derived from the
progressive differentiation of a single comprehensive Law which expresses the work-
ing of Nature in its entirety. That is why it is possible to integrate minor laws into
more comprehensive laws progressively and by performing Samyama on one aspect of
a law to acquire knowledge of all the other aspects.

  1. (By performing Samyama) on the navel centre knowledge of the organi-
    zation of the body.

The physical body is a wonderful living organism which serves in a remarkable
manner as an instrument of consciousness on the physical plane. It is true that a part of
the physical body and the most important part, is invisible and outside the purview of
modern scientific methods. The whole system of Pranic distribution, for example,
which works through the Pranamaya Kosa and supplies vitality to the Annamaya Kosa
is unknown to Science. But even what can be investigated by scientific methods shows

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