Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

  1. (By performing Samyama on) the light under the crown of the head vi-
    sion of perfected Beings.

Since the Yogic philosophy is based upon the immortality of the human soul and
its perfection through evolution, the existence of those who have perfected themselves
and are living in a state of the highest Enlightenment is taken for granted. Such Beings
are called Siddhas.
These perfected Beings are above the necessity of reincarnation because they
have already learnt all the lessons which embodied life has to teach and have com-
pleted the cycle of human evolution. They live on the spiritual planes of the Solar sys-
tem and even when they retain bodies on the lower planes for helping humanity in its
evolution their consciousness remains really centred in the higher planes. To come in
contact with these Beings one has to rise to the plane on which their consciousness
normally functions. Merely coming in physical contact with them in some way is not
of much use because unless a person is attuned to their higher life he cannot derive
real benefit from his contact with them.
How can one come into touch with these perfected Beings in the proper way?
By performing Samyama on the light under the crown of the head. There is a small
rudimentary organ in the brain which is called the pituitary body. Besides its other
physiological functions known to medical science it has the important function of es-
tablishing contact with the spiritual planes on which the consciousness of the Siddha
functions. When it is made active by meditation it serves as a bridge between the
higher and lower consciousness and enables the light of the higher worlds to penetrate
into the brain. It is only then that the Siddhis really become accessible to the Yogi be-
cause he can rise to their plane and hold communion with them. But it is not by merely
concentrating on this physical organ that this kind of communication can be estab-
lished. It is by performing Samyama on the light for which the organ can serve as the
physical vehicle.

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