Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

the ordinary fire with which we are familiar is only one of these. The function of the
gastric fire which is another form of Agni Tattva is to stimulate the gastric secretions
and thus make the digestion of food possible. Yogic Science does not, therefore, con-
tradict the facts of medical Science. It merely takes a more comprehensive view of
these natural processes and also includes within its scope the subtler forces and causes
which are working behind them.
The interpretation of Jvalanam as effulgence does not appear to be correct. In
the first place, no one has ever heard of Yogis in a luminous condition, and even if one
were found in such a condition this could hardly be the result of the deliberate exercise
of a Siddhi. The traditional halo of light which is seen round the head of very highly
advanced spiritual beings is due to the luminosity of their superphysical auras and is
not a physical phenomenon.

  1. By performing Samyama on the relation between Akasa and the ear su-
    perphysical hearing.

Sound on the superphysical planes is not essentially different from sound on the
physical plane. It is merely a continuation of the same kind of vibrations but finer, the
sound vibrations of different planes being related to one another much as the different
octaves of music. Anyone who performs Samyama on the relation between Akasa and
the sense of hearing will become aware of the whole gamut of sound vibrations and be
able to hear sounds of the superphysical planes also. Divyam Srotram is nothing but
becoming sensitive to the subtler sound vibrations which are beyond the range of the
physical ear. Samyama on any principle or force brings the consciousness of the Yogi
in touch with the reality underlying that principle or force and thus makes him aware
of all the spheres and ranges in which that principle or force operates.

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