Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

two streams in order to provide this subjective-objective play of manifestation—this
Lila of Bhagavan.

  1. Thence, instantaneous cognition without the use of any vehicle and com-
    plete mastery over Pradhana.

Just as the mastery of the Bhutas brings about three results, in the same way,
the mastery of the Indriyas enables the Yogi to acquire two Siddhis of the most com-
prehensive character. The first of these is the capacity to perceive anything in the
realm of Prakrti without the help of any organized vehicle of consciousness. Percep-
tion, in the usual course, always takes place through the instrumentality of the sense-
organs whether these belong to the physical body or to the superphysical vehicles of
consciousness. When the Yogi has obtained mastery over the sense-organs through
Samyama he can dispense with the aid of instruments in perceiving anything in the
manifested Universe. The non-instrumental perception is direct and instantaneous.
This means that the Yogi has to direct his consciousness to any place or thing and he
becomes instantaneously aware of everything which he wants to know.
The student will notice how the enormous limitations which characterize ordi-
nary perception through the sense-organs of the physical body fall away progressively
as the Yogi makes progress on the path of Self-realization. The consciousness of the
ordinary man is confined rigidly within the physical body and the range of his percep-
tive power is limited by the capacity of its sense-organs, though this capacity can be
enlarged greatly through the use of the Physical instruments like the microscope, tele-
scope, etc. When the Yogi develops the senses of the superphysical vehicles through
the practice of Yoga the range of his perceptive powers is increased enormously as
indicated in III-26. A further increase in the range and depth of his perceptive powers

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