Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

Yoga. In that state the Purusa having realized his true nature and having shaken off the
yoke of matter has no attraction left even for the subtlest kinds of bliss experienced on
the highest planes of existence. He is completely self-sufficient and above all such
attractions which are based on the play of the Gunas. This Vairagya which is based
upon the destruction of Avidya and the realization that everything is contained in the
Purusa himself or the Purusa is the source of everything is the highest kind of
Vairagya and is called Para-Vairagya. It will be seen that this Para-Vairagya which is
a characteristic of the Purusic consciousness—if this word can be used—can appear
only on the attainment of Kaivalya.
The fact that complete Vairagya develops only on the attainment of Purusa-
Khyati means that though there may be no active attachment in the lower stages, still,
the seeds of attachment remain. This means that while there is the possibility of at-
tachment developing again before Purusa-Khyati is attained no such possibility exists
after this stage is reached. This fact has also been expressed very well in the Bhaga-
vad-Gita in the well-known Sloka (II-59). “The objects of sense, but not the relish for
them, turn away from an abstemious dweller in the body; and even relish turneth away
from him after the Supreme is seen”.

(of) reasoning; argumentation deliberation; reflection bliss;

joy (and; or) I-am-ness; sense of individuality; sense of pure being by

accompaniment; with association Samadhi with Prajna or consciousness.

  1. Samprajnata Samadhi is that which is accompanied by reasoning, reflec-
    tion, bliss and sense of pure being.

I-17 and I-18 deal with the two varieties of Samadhi called Samprajnata and
Asamprajnata. Before we take up for discussion these two important Sutras it is desir-
able that we deal in a general way with the nature of Samadhi and the mutual relation-
ship of the different kinds and stages of Samadhi which are mentioned in the Yoga-
Sutras. This will make it easier for the student to tackle this very difficult though fas-
cinating subject and enable him to see its different aspects in their true relationship.

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