Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

The second point which the student may note in this connection is that the
common centre of all vehicles being the meeting point of all the planes, consciousness
must always be withdrawn to this before it can be transferred to another vehicle, just
as a person going along one road must return to the crossing before he can take to an-
other road. Asamprajnata Samadhi will be thus seen to be nothing but this withdrawal
of consciousness to its Laya centre before it can begin to function on another plane. If
the consciousness remains permanently established in the centre of Reality as it is in
the case of a highly advanced Adept the question of withdrawing it to the centre does
not arise. From this vantage-ground he commands an all-embracing view of all the
lower planes and can instantaneously begin to function on any plane he likes.
The question may be asked why if this common centre of all vehicles is also the
centre of Reality within each Yogi, he does not get a glimpse of Reality in passing
through it from one plane to another. The possibility of such a glimpse certainly exists
on account of the unique nature of this point. What then prevents the Yogi from touch-
ing Reality every time he practises Asamprajnata Samadhi? The answer to this ques-
tion is contained in some of the Sutras occurring in the latter portion of Section IV. It
is the Samkaras still burdening the Yogi's mind which obscure his vision and prevent
him from obtaining a glimpse of Reality. These Samskaras must be destroyed com-
pletely before he is free to pass into the realm of Reality from whatever point he wills.
But though the Yogi, still burdened with Samskaras, cannot gain a clear glimpse of
Reality, he can sense, as it were, the Reality more and more as he makes progress to-
wards his goal and the burden of his Samskaras becomes lighter. Viewed in this man-
ner every successive Asamprajnata Samadhi is a precursor of Nirbija Samadhi which
alone gives an unobstructed vision of Reality.

(by) birth; objective existence caused the ‘bodiless’
of the ' merged-in-Prakrti'; of the absorbed in Prakrti.

  1. Of those who are Videhas and Prakrtilayas birth is the cause.

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