Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

it, it has at least the advantage of being based on commonsense and facts of experi-
ence. If we take into account the context of the Sutra it is apparent that the Yogis re-
ferred to in this Sutra are of the pseudo variety and inferior to those who tread the
normal path of Yoga outlined in the Yoga-Sutras. In fact, it is probably to help the
neophyte to avoid confusion on this subject that Patanjali has pointed out this distinc-
tion. Whether Patanjali actually meant the class of pseudo-Yogis mentioned above,
when he used the words Videhas and Prakrtilayas it is difficult to say with certainty
and in view of the theoretical nature of the question is not of much consequence.

faith indomitable energy or will memory (and) intelli-

gence or ‘high knowledge’ or keen intellect essential for Samadhi preceded by

for others; of others.

  1. (In the case) of others (Upaya-Pratyaya Yogis) it is preceded by faith,
    energy, memory and high intelligence necessary for Samadhi.

In the case of the true Yogis, in contra-distinction to pseudo-Yogis referred to in
the previous Sutra the attainment of various progressive states of consciousness in
Samadhi is preceded by the presence in the Sadhaka of certain traits of character
which are essential for the attainment of a high spiritual ideal. Patanjali has mentioned
only four such traits in the Sutra but the list is not necessarily meant to be exhaustive
and each trait which has been mentioned implies far more than the literal meaning of
the word. The essential idea which the author obviously means to emphasize and
which the student should try to grasp is that the attainment of the true Yogic ideal is
the culmination of a long and severe process of character-building and discipline for
the unfoldment of our powers and faculties from within, and not the result of chance,
stunts, and favours bestowed by anyone or the following of any cheap methods of self-
culture in a haphazard manner. This warning is necessary in view of the hidden desire
in a very large number of aspirants to enjoy the fruits of Yogic practice without under-
going the necessary training and discipline. Instead of taking to the true path of Yoga

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