Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

definitely settled though the philosophy of Yoga is bound up so closely with that of
Samkhya that the Yoga system is sometimes referred to as Sesvara Samkhya. The prac-
tical student of Yoga need not worry himself over these academic questions of phi-
losophy. Yoga is a practical science and every practical science has generally a theo-
retical basis which may or may not in reality correspond exactly with the facts which
form the real basis of the science. Since the system of Yoga outlined by Patanjali is
essentially a scientific system it was inevitable that he should adopt that particular sys-
tem of philosophy for its theoretical basis which is most scientific in its outlook and
comprehensive in its treatment. The choice of Samkhya for this purpose was therefore
quite natural. But this does not mean necessarily that Yoga is based on Samkhya or
follows that system in toto. The very fact that it differs from Samkhya on the most
fundamental question of Isvara and has suggested an independent method of attaining
Samadhi through Isvara-Pranidhana shows that this apparent similarity of the two sys-
tems should not be taken too seriously. The fact that Samkhya while dealing with theo-
retical questions at great length is almost silent with regard to the practical methods of
obtaining release from the bondage of Avidya is also of great significance. It shows
that the system was meant to be nothing more than a purely theoretical philosophy of-
fering a scientific and most plausible theory of life and the Universe in terms of the
intellect. The real truths of existence were to be discovered directly by each person for
himself by following a practical system such as the one outlined in the Yoga-Sutras.

(by) afflictions; misery; cause of misery actions; activities
maturation or fruition (and) seed-germs or impressions of desires wherein de-

sires sleep untouched Spirit; an individual unit or centre of Divine Con-

sciousness special; particular Ruler or Presiding Deity of a Brahmanda or
Solar system.

  1. Isvara is a particular Purusa who is untouched by the afflictions of life,
    actions and the results and impressions produced by these actions.

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