Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

stars, that Solar systems are parts of bigger units called galaxies and these in their turn
are parts of still bigger units called universes. Whatever the relation which subsists
between Solar systems, galaxies, Universes and the Cosmos as a whole and their re-
spective Presiding Deities (and astronomy is bringing more and more light to bear on
this fascinating question) the conception of the Cosmos being studded with innumer-
able Solar systems, and each Solar system being presided over by an Isvara is in itself
a tremendously grand idea whose truth is based not on mere poetic fancy but definite
knowledge of Adepts of Occultism. And to think that the Presiding Deity of each of
these Solar systems is a Purusa Visesa who has passed through the evolutionary cycle
like everyone of us and attained to that inconceivably high level imparts a new signifi-
cance to the idea of human evolution and places it on an entirely new basis. This is a
fascinating line of thought which could be pursued in different directions but it is not
possible to do so at this point. There is, however, one point which had better be
cleared up before we proceed to consider the next Sutra.
What is the relation existing between the Isvara of a Solar system and the in-
numerable Purusas who are either undergoing pre-Kaivalya evolution or are still asso-
ciated with the Solar system after attaining Liberation? According to the Samkhya,
each Purusa is a separate and independent unit of consciousness and remains so eter-
nally. So the Purusas who are part of the evolutionary scheme in a Solar system must
be quite separate and independent of the Purusa Visesa who is its presiding Lord ac-
cording to this philosophy. But according to Occult Science the different Purusas
though separate and independent units of consciousness are yet in some mysterious
manner one and share a common Life and Consciousness. The consciousness of the
Isvara provides a field in which the consciousness of the other Purusas in the Solar
system can function and unfold. They are nourished by His life and evolve, from stage
to stage until they themselves become fit to become Isvaras of other newly created
Solar systems. So while they are in His Solar system they exist in Him and are one
with Him in the most intimate manner and yet they maintain throughout their inde-
pendent centre and individual uniqueness. This co-existence of Oneness and Separate-
ness upto the last is one of those paradoxes of the inner life which the mere intellect
can never understand and which only realization of our true nature can resolve.
But we need not go further into this question. Enough has been said to show
that the idea of Isvara has not been artificially grafted on the basic Samkhyan philoso-
phy for the sake of convenience but is an integral part of that larger philosophy of the

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