Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

maintained by this Sabda which differentiates into innumerable forms of vibration
which underlie the phenomenal world.
It is necessary first to understand how all the phenomena of Nature can be ulti-
mately based on vibration or peculiar expressions of Energy. First, let us take the ma-
terial side of these phenomena. Physical matter has been found by Science to consist
of atoms and molecules which in their turn are the result of different combinations of
still smaller particles like electrons etc. Science has not been able as yet to get a clear
picture with regard to the ultimate constitution of physical matter but it has been
shown definitely and conclusively that matter and energy are inter-convertible. The
Theory of Relativity has shown that mass and energy are not two different entities but
are one and the same, the relation between the two being given by the well-known
equation of Einstein,
E=C^2 .(m'-m)
Not only is matter an expression of Energy but the perception of material phe-
nomena depends upon vibrations of various kinds. Vibrations of different kinds strik-
ing the organs of sensation produce the five kinds of sensations and the familiar world
of light, sound etc. is thus based on vibration. Modern psychology has not been able to
investigate or understand the nature of mental phenomena but the study of these phe-
nomena by Occult methods has shown definitely that their perception is dependent on
vibrations in mediums subtler than the physical. There are some phenomena known to
modern psychologists such as thought-transference which lend support to this view.
It will be seen, therefore, that there is nothing inherently absurd in the doctrine
that the foundation of the whole manifested world existing on many planes and con-
sisting of innumerable phenomena is a tremendously complex and vast aggregate of
vibrations of various kinds and degrees. These vibrations or expressions of energy not
only constitute the material of the manifested world (using the word material in its
widest sense) but by their actions and interactions produce all the phenomena of the
different planes. This conclusion, though startling, is nothing as compared with the
still more myserious doctrine of Occult Science according to which all these infinitely
complex vibrations of innumerable variety are the expressions of a Single Vibration
and this Single Vibration is produced by the Will of the Mighty Being who is the Pre-
siding Deity of the particular manifested world whether this world be a Solar system,
Universe or the Cosmos. This tremendous, primary, and integrated vibration from
which are derived all the vibrations in manifestation is called Sabda-Brahman, i.e. the

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