Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

help of Mantras. The essential idea underlying both is that by producing a particular
kind of vibration through a vehicle it is possible to draw down a particular kind of
force through the vehicle or to produce a particular state of consciousness in the vehi-
cle. Such vibrations can be produced by means of Mantras each of which represents a
particular combination of sounds for bringing about certain specific results.
Since a Mantra is a composite thing, a particular combination of sounds ar-
ranged in a particular way, it is interesting to enquire what are the basic sounds which
are utilized in these combinations. Without going into the details of this question it
may be simply stated that the letters of the Samskrta alphabet are the elements from
which all Mantras of Samskrta origin are derived. Each letter is supposed to be the
vehicle of a basic eternal power (that is why it is called Aksara) and when introduced
into a Mantra contributes its specific influence to the total effect which is the objective
of the Mantra, much in the same way as the different chemical elements contribute
their specific properties to the compounds which are derived from them. There are 52
letters of the Samskrta alphabet and therefore there are 52 basic elemental powers
which are available for producing all kinds of effects through the agency of Mantras in
their different permutations and combinations. It does not mean, of course, that the
Samskrta alphabet has some favoured place in the scheme of Nature and the sounds
produced by its letters alone can be utilized in constructing Mantras. All that is meant
is that the effects of sounds produced by letters in the Samskrta alphabet have been
investigated and evaluated and can thus be used in the construction of Mantras. With
this brief introduction let us now consider the important Sutra under discussion.
In I-26 it was pointed out that Isvara is the true Teacher of all and the source of
the Inner Light by the help of which the Yogi treads the path of Liberation. How is that
Inner Light to be revealed, to be uncovered so that he may have an unerring and ever-
present guide within himself? This Light appears when the mind becomes sufficiently
purified by the practice of Yoga as is indicated in II-28. But there are certain initial
difficulties which must be overcome before the practice of Yoga can begin in right
earnest. These difficulties are related to the general condition of the mind which in the
case of the large majority of aspirants is not at all favourable for the practice of Yoga.
It is subject to constant and sometimes violent distractions which make it impossible
for the aspirant to adopt a life of discipline and to dive within the recesses of his con-
sciousness. How are these distractions to be overcome and the mind steadied suffi-

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