Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

concentration of purpose are methods of practising Samadhi! In one sense, since Real-
ity touches life at every point, theoretically, there can be no limit to the depth into
which we can penetrate in pursuing any one truth and this can lead to Samadhi. But the
context in which this Sutra occurs and the nature of the illustrative methods which are
given in the subsequent Sutras leave no room for doubt with regard to its meaning.
The object of these exercises is not the attainment of Samadhi, for that is sought to be
achieved by a different clearly defined series of steps outlined in Astanga Yoga. The
object is obviously the reversal of the tendency of the mind to run constantly after a
multitude of objects in the outer world and to develop the capacity to pursue con-
stantly one objective inside within the realm of consciousness.
It has been pointed out previously that the average man lacks not only concen-
tration of purpose but also the capacity to keep the mind directed within. Both these
are sine qua non for the practice of Yoga and hence the necessity of developing these
capacities in a high degree for the aspirant. The removal of the obstacles follows natu-
rally when concentration of purpose has been developed to a sufficient degree. When a
dynamic purpose enters the life of a person who has been leading a purposeless life,
his mental and other forces become gradually polarized and all difficulties like those
mentioned in I-30 tend to disappear. But, of course, the aspirant for Yogic life has not
only to acquire the capacity to pursue an objective with energy and perseverance but in
addition his objective must be within. The exercises which Patanjali has recommended
are such that both these capacities are developed simultaneously.

friendliness compassion (and) gladness indifference

joy; happiness sorrow; misery virtue (and) vice (having for
their) objects by cultivating attitudes (towards); by dwelling in mind (upon) (of)

mind clarification; purification.

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