Microsoft Word - Taimni - The Science of Yoga.doc

(Ben Green) #1

or states of consciousness. Man's constitution, including both the physical and super-
physical bodies is very complex and there are a large number of methods available for
establishing partial contact between the lower and the higher vehicles. Some of these
methods depend upon purely artificial aids, others on the Japa of a Mantra and still
others on meditation of a particular type. Which of these methods will be adopted by a
Sadhaka will depend upon the Samskaras which he brings from previous lives and the
capacity and temperament of the teacher who initiates hint in these preliminary prac-
tices. As a result of such practice the Sadhaka may begin to see an unusual light within
him or feel an utter sense of peace and tranquillity. These experiences while of no
great significance in themselves can hold the mind by their attractive power and
gradually bring about the required condition of steadiness.
The Sadhaka should, however, keep in his mind the purpose of these practices.
In the first place, he should not attach to them undue importance and significance and
begin to imagine that he is making great progress on the path of Yoga. He is learning
merely the ABC of Yogic science. In the second place, he should not allow these ex-
periences to become a mere source of emotional and mental satisfactions. Many people
begin to use such practices as a dope and an escape from the stress and strain of ordi-
nary life. If such wrong attitudes are adopted these practices frequently become a hin-
drance instead of a help in the path of the Sadhaka.

a human being who has transcended human passions or attachment
(having for its) object or; also the mind.

  1. Also the mind fixed on those who are free from attachment (acquires

Vitaragas are those souls who have conquered human passions and risen above
Raga-Dvesa. Meditation on the life and character of such a soul will naturally help the
Sadhaka to acquire freedom from Raga-Dvesa himself and thus develop serenity and
steadiness of mind. It is a well-known law of life that we tend to reproduce in our life
the ideas which constantly occupy our mind. The effect is heightened very greatly if

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