Organizational Behavior (Stephen Robbins)

(Joyce) #1
Chapter 2Perception, Personality, and Emotions 65



Are You a Type A?

Circle the number on the scale below that best characterizes your behaviour for each trait.

  1. Casual about appointments 12345678 Never late

  2. Not competitive 12345678 Very competitive

  3. Never feel rushed 12345678 Always feel rushed

  4. Take things one at a time 12345678 Try todo many things at once

  5. Slow doing things 12345678 Fast (eating, walking, etc.)

  6. Express feelings 12345678 “Sit on” feelings

  7. Many interests 12345678 Few interests outside work

Scoring Key:
Total your score on the 7 questions. Now multiply the total by 3. A total of 120 or more indicates that you are a hard-core
Type A. Scores below 90 indicate that you are a hard-core Type B. The following gives you more specifics:

Points Personality Type
120 or more A1
106–119 A
100–105 A2
90–99 B1
Less than 90 B

Source:Adapted from R. W. Bortner, “Short Rating Scale as a Potential Measure of Pattern A Behavior,” Journal of Chronic Diseases,June 1969,
pp. 87–91. With permission.


What’s Your EI at Work?

Evaluating the following 25 statements will allow you to rate your social skills and self-awareness, the components of emo-
tional intelligence (EI). EI, the social equivalent of IQ, is complex, in no small part because it depends on some pretty slippery
variables—including your innate compatibility, or lack thereof, with the people who happen to be your co-workers. But if
you want to get a rough idea of how your EI stacks up, this quiz will help.
As honestly as you can, estimate how you rate in the eyes of peers, bosses, and subordinates on each of the following
traits, on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 representing strong agreement, and 1 representing strong disagreement.

___ I usually stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments.

___ I can think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand under pressure.

___ I am able to admit my own mistakes.

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