The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Papaya Fundae

These “fundaes,” always one of the most popular desserts at our restaurants, are a great party dish.



6 dates, seeded
¾ cup filtered water
2 tablespoons olive oil or hemp seed oil
¼ cup raw carob powder

5 dates, seeded
½ cup filtered water
1 cup soaked cashews, drained
⅓ cup black raspberries

8 bananas, peeled, frozen, and thickly sliced
2 papayas, halved and seeded
Chopped walnuts, for garnish

To prepare the sauce, place the dates in a small bowl, cover with the water, and soak for about 1 hour, or until soft. Drain, reserving the liquid. In a
food processor, combine the dates and the oil, slowly adding the reserved liquid as needed until the mixture is smooth. Add the carob powder and
pulse until combined.
To make the raspberry kreme, place the dates in a small bowl, cover with the water, and soak for about 1 hour, or until soft. Drain, reserving the
liquid. Place the dates, cashews, and black raspberries in a blender and blend slowly, adding the reserved liquid as needed until the mixture
becomes smooth.
Put the frozen bananas through a homogenizing juicer with a blank plate in place, or purée in a food processor until smooth. Fill the papaya
halves with the puréed bananas, dividing equally. Top with 3 heaping tablespoons of the raspberry kreme. Drizzle the carob sauce over the
papayas and raspberry kreme and garnish with the chopped walnuts.

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