The Raw Truth

(lu) #1


Kimchee is an Asian version of sauerkraut, or fermented cabbage. Kimchee has a tangy and spicy flavor; it is also considered a healing food

because it helps bring healthy balance back to the intestinal flora. To start the culture, you’ll need a tablespoon of prepared kimchee. Using

some of a previous batch is best, but you can also purchase kimchee—just make sure it’s “live” (unpasteurized) kimchee and doesn’t contain

any sugar or chemicals. (Pictured here)


½ head red cabbage
½ head napa cabbage
1-inch piece fresh ginger
1 heaping tablespoon red miso
1 jalapeño chile, seeded and diced
1 tablespoon prepared kimchee

There are three different traditional styles of chopping the cabbage for this dish: (1) Thai style: shred the cabbage using either the shredding blade
of a food processor or a hand shredder; (2) Korean style: slice the cabbage using the small slicing blade of a food processor or by hand using a
sharp knife; (3) Hawaiian style: using a blender, homogenizing juicer, or food processor, grind the cabbage until it becomes mush. Using one
method or some combination of the three, prepare the red cabbage and the napa cabbage. Place both cabbages in a large ceramic bowl or a
traditional kimchee or sauerkraut crock, and toss.
In a homogenizing juicer, juice the ginger and ¼ cup, firmly packed, of the prepared cabbage. Place the juiced cabbage and ginger in a bowl,
add the miso, jalapeño, and prepared kimchee, and stir well. Add this mixture to the tossed cabbage in the bowl and toss well to combine. Cover
with a piece of cheesecloth. Place a second bowl of the same size on top of the first. (This second bowl will act as a weight.) Leave in a warm (75°
to 90°F), dark location for 2 days. When your kimchee is ready, it will smell strong.

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