The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

LIMA BEAN: A large green-yellow, kidney-shaped bean, with a sweet taste when fresh. Available both fresh and dried.

MUNG BEAN: A fresh, yellow- or green-skinned bean whose sprouts are used frequently in Asian cuisine.

NAVY BEAN: A white dried bean with a mild taste when sprouted.

PEA: A green, round legume with a deliciously sweet flavor when fresh. Dried varieties are also available. Also makes great sprouts.

PEANUT: A legume often referred to as a nut, this fresh bean has a rich nutty flavor.

POLE BEAN: A fresh, long pod bean that is crisp and sweet.

SNAP PEA: A fresh, superbly sweet bean. These crunchy little bright green pods are delicious in salads.

SNOW PEA: A traditional Chinese pea pod that is sold fresh and is slightly blander than the snap pea.

SOYBEAN: A powerhouse of protein, the soybean is extremely versatile. In either fresh or dried form, the soybean provides the basis for tofu,
soymilk, miso, tamari, and many other products.

STRING BEAN: A fresh, long, thin, crispy, green pod with small beans inside.

WAX BEAN: A fresh, long, thin, yellow pod similar to the string bean.


Leafy green plants grow in heads in a huge array of colors, flavors, and textures. They are rich in chlorophyll, silica, and fiber.

ARUGULA: A peppery green with a slightly spicy flavor.

BAMBOO SHOOTS: The young shoots of certain types of bamboo are edible.

BEET GREENS: A plant with dark green leaves with a red vein. It tastes mildly bitter, with a woodsy flavor.

BELE (tree spinach): A plant from the Philippines with large, broad leaves. This plant’s tough gelatinous leaves are almost 30 percent silica and
are great for rolling burritos.

CHARD: A member of the beet family, chard has coarse leaves and a woodsy taste.

CHICORY: A dark green plant (often found in the wild) with narrow, frilly leaves; a pale green center; and a bitter flavor.

COMFREY: A plant with broad fuzzy leaves that can aid in cellular regeneration and the healing of wounds and muscle and bone injuries. Best for
raw consumption when the leaves are young and tender.

CURLY ENDIVE: A crisp, compact head with frilly light green to white leaves and a slightly bitter flavor.

DANDELION: A bitter green with small and narrow dark leaves. Look for dandelions growing in the wild.

ESCAROLE: Less bitter, and with broader and curlier leaves than endive, escarole is part of the chicory family.

FIDDLEHEAD FERN: Often wild, this young sprouted fern has curly light fronds and a delectably nutty asparagus-like flavor.

FRISÉE: A bitter, light yellow to white salad green with curly leaves.

GREEN BUTTER LETTUCE: A crispy, large-headed lettuce with generous, wide leaves.

GREEN LEAF LETTUCE: A loose-headed green with frilly edges and a mild taste.

GREEN OAK LETTUCE: A loose-headed green with frilly, tapering finger leaves.

KATUK: An African tree whose leaves are more than 30 percent protein and taste like nuts.

MÂCHE: A mild and delicate green with small round leaves.

MALABAR SPINACH: A purple and green variety of garden spinach.

MIZUNA: A jagged-leafed, slightly spicy green often used in Asian foods.

MUSTARD: A very pungent, spicy, tart green abundant in vitamins A and B.

NEW ZEALAND SPINACH: A crispy vinelike spinach that grows wild.

PLANTAIN: A long-leaved plant that is common in North America.

RADICCHIO: A type of red chicory, radicchio has a loose white head and tangy crimson leaves.

RED BUTTER LETTUCE: A crispy, large-headed lettuce with a red tinge.

RED CHARD: A large, leafy green with a red vein running up its middle. A member of the beet family.

RED HIBISCUS: These burgundy-colored leaves have a lemony taste. Red hibiscus can often be found growing in the wild.

RED OAK LETTUCE: A loose-headed green with frilly, red-tinged, tapering, fingerlike leaves.

RED ORACH: A blossoming burgundy-colored green with mild flavor.

SAVORY: A distinctly peppery green with a spicy flavor.

SPINACH: A deep green plant whose delicate leaves have a rich, earthy flavor.

TANGO: A pungent and flavorful green with a rich flavor.

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