The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

WILD RICE: Black long-grain wild rice is the only rice that is a seed and not a grain. This seed also sprouts without any oxygen.


Grains are the kernel of a plant that produces only one shoot, a grass. Grains are permanently affixed to their hull and usually contain gluten. These
close relatives of seeds are abundant in carbohydrates and most digestible when sprouted.

AMARANTH: Native to the Americas and the second-smallest grain, amaranth plants grow soft red and white flowers. The seeds sprout easily.

CORN: A starchy, sweet, juicy grain that grows in a number of colors. Wonderful both raw and sprouted.

MILLET: A small yellow grain with starchy taste when sprouted.

OAT: A very sweet grain to sprout. Lots of fiber.

QUINOA: A grain worshipped by the Aztecs, quinoa is the third smallest grain and creates a spicy sprout.

RICE: The staple grain of China. Most rices are edible when sprouted, though not very tasty. Experiment with the length of sprout time for varied

Basmati: A translucent long grain.

Brown long grain: A long, round, brown grain.

Brown short grain: A short, stubby brown grain.

Jasmine: A sweet white rice with a delicate fragrance.

Spanish: A long yellow rice.

Sushi: A round white grain used in the making of sushi.

Sweet: A white, stubby grain.

RYE: A brown seed good for making Essene bread.

TEFF: A very small grain, sweet and gray. High in protein.

WHEAT: A grass rich in chlorophyll. The staple grain of America, it produces a tasty sprout.

Hard winter: A good variety for growing wheatgrass.

Soft winter: A wheat that is very good for making Essene bread.

Summer: A sweeter wheat variety. Good for making breads and salads.


Nuts are the inner center of a fruit that is contained by a shell. Nuts are very sweet when harvested and get much more oily when dried.

ALMOND: A white oblong nut, pointed on one end, that comes in a beige shell.

BRAZIL: A creamy, oily nut that is often an inch in length.

CASHEW: A white, very sweet, crescent-shaped nut that is poisonous unless dried in the sun.

CHESTNUT: A brown-skinned, large, round, crunchy nut that is sometimes bitter.

HAZELNUT: A dark brown–skinned, small, round nut with a rich flavor.

MACADAMIA: A sweet white nut with a delightful crunch and a very hard shell.

MALABAR CHESTNUT: A light brown–skinned, sweet nut that is crispy when sprouted.

PECAN: An oblong-shelled nut with a wavy interior. This nut is very sweet.

PINE: A tiny golden teardrop-shaped seed from a pinecone. It tastes quite rich.

WALNUT: A round-shelled and warp-shaped nut.


Fruit is a beautiful, colorful, delicious membrane made of cells filled with organic water and nutrients. Fruit is love since it is designed to feed the
seed inside it or to feed a creature and, with that creature’s cooperation, spread the seeds, making more fruit trees and more fruit. Fruits come in a
huge variety of flavors and colors.

ANNONA OR MOYA FAMILY: Annonaceous fruits have scaly skins, black seeds, and creamy flesh.

Atemoya: A hybrid between the sweetsop and cherimoya.

Bullock’s heart: A purple-skinned fruit consisting of an exterior with rounded scales and an interior flesh that is sweet and creamy.

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