The Raw Truth

(lu) #1

Alphonso: A juicy, orange mango with a honeylike taste.

Haden: A sticky, sweet, very orange mango with multicolored flesh.

Julie: A small, sweet mango with mild flavor.

Kent: A cold-climate mango with creamy flavor.

MANGOSTEEN: Known as the “queen of the fruits,” it has a purple skin and a number of white, gelatinous, moon-shaped seeds inside.

MIRACLE FRUIT: A tiny red fruit that, when eaten before sour foods, makes them taste sweet for about thirty minutes.

MONSTERA: The large, tubular fruit of the Monstera deliciosa plant, with many green scales. It can only be eaten a little at a time to avoid stinging

from the acids in the fruit. It tastes like pineapple and banana.

PAPAYAS: A pear-shaped fruit that contains many black seeds and takes nine months to ripen.

Babaco: A giant, mountain papaya that is mild in flavor.

Common: A yellow-skinned and yellow-fleshed, very sweet papaya.

Strawberry: A red-fleshed version that is much sweeter than other varieties.


Common: a yellow-shelled fruit filled with sweet-sour, yellow membrane surrounding many edible seeds.

Purple: A purple-shelled variety with a slightly more acidic taste.

Velvet: A very sweet, orange, soft-skinned passion fruit with white membranes.

PEANUT BUTTER FRUIT: A small red fruit, also known as ciruela, that tastes similar to peanut butter.


Anjou: A large green pear.

Bartlett: A red-skinned, very sweet pear.

Bosc: A beige-skinned pear best eaten when soft.

PERSIMMONS: A sweet orange fruit commonly grown in Asia and California.

Fuyu: A round variety that is like an apple when eaten hard and like a Hachiya (below) when soft.

Hachiya: A pointed variety that is only eaten when soft. Hachiya are very gelatinous and sweet.

PINEAPPLES: The very juicy and sweet fruit of a small ground bush with sharp leaves. It is known as the “king of the fruits” because of its crown.

Common: A variety that grows rapidly and produces medium-sized fruits.

Sugarloaf: A sweet variety with a beautiful golden color.

White: A white-fleshed pineapple that has a lower acid content than most pineapples and tastes very creamy.

PRICKLY PEAR: A fruit from a variety of cactus, it has a very sweet and melonlike flavor and is filled with seeds. This fruit comes in purple and
green and contains very simple sugars that can provide quick energy. If foraging this fruit, beware of its many minuscule barbed thorns. Clean very
well before use.

RAMBUTAN: A cousin of the lychee that is oblong and has red tendrils all over its exterior.

SAPOTES: A round subtropical fruit with sweet flesh and several seeds that should be removed before using. The eggfruit and sapodilla are both
members of the sapote family, but the vanilla sapote (below) is not.

Chocolate pudding fruit: A fruit with a creamy brown interior and green skin that tastes like a very ripe banana. It is also known as

the chocolate persimmon or black sapote.

Eggfruit: Also called a canistel or yellow sapote, a rich orange fruit that has a very cakelike meat.

Mamey: A caramel-flavored fruit with brown skin.

Orange: An orange-fleshed, creamy, oblong fruit.

Sapodilla: A small brown-skinned fruit, also called a chico, that tastes like cinnamon and sugar.

Vanilla: A green-skinned fruit with a white vanilla pudding–like interior.

TAMARILLO: An oblong red fruit that is also known as the tree tomato and tastes of basil and tomatoes.

TAMARIND: A rich seed with a sweet-tart flavor.


Black grapes

Flame: a dark purple, sweet grape.

White grapes

California seedless: A seedless variety of white grape.

Italia: A strain from Italy often used for wines.

Muscat: A light green grape with a very sweet taste and small seed.

Sultana: A variety of grape often used in desserts.

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