
(ff) #1
Glazing – “Overlapping Outlines”

Step 4. Allow the shapes to dry completely

before painting the overlapping shape.

Consider your colour choices and experiment
with primary and secondary colours as colour
choices – even painting a secondary colour over
another secondary colour.

Some students may end up with muddy brown

  • but that’s okay. It’s an experiment in glazing
    and some colours glaze better than others.

Step 5. To add visual interest, I added shadows to my objects.

Determine from where your light source is coming. Mix a light ultramarine to paint a line on the opposite
side of each object from the light source.

“Candle Flame” and “Tree” (and more!) are
available on the Curry’s Youtube Channel
for those interested in further investigation
of Glazing.

Further Study:

Free download pdf