Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

still a relatively small proportion of all households
(about 4 percent; U.S. Bureau of the Census 1998),
the number of cohabiting heterosexual couples
has increased greatly in the past several decades.
Marriage between homosexuals is not legally rec-
ognized, but some have elected to adopt each
other legally, and a growing number are raising
children. In addition to the ‘‘traditional’’ nuclear
family form of two parents with children, other
family types can be expected to continue in the
future. These include single parents, blended fami-
lies resulting from remarriage, and households in
which other relatives such as grandparents reside.

Increased longevity has brought about some
of the most important changes in American family
life over the past century. Children are more likely
than ever before to interact with their grandpar-
ents. Further, many persons are becoming grand-
parents while their own parents are still alive
(Uhlenberg 1986). Research has documented the
prevalence and importance of social interaction,
emotional support, financial help, and other assist-
ance between the generations. For all types of
American families, indications are that high levels
of interaction and assistance between the genera-
tions will continue in the future. It remains to be
seen how U.S. social policy will respond to the
needs of family care-providers, and to the needs
of poor Americans and their families, in the
years to come.


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