Encyclopedia of Sociology

(Marcin) #1

State Associations
National Council of State Sociological Associations
Alabama/Mississippi Sociological Association
Arkansas Sociological Association
California Sociological Association
Florida Sociological Association
Georgia Sociological Association
Great Plains Association (North and South Dakota)
Hawaii Sociological Association
Illinois Sociological Association
Iowa Sociological Association
Kansas Sociological Association
Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky
Michigan Sociological Society
Sociologists of Minnesota
Missouri State Sociological Association
Nebraska Sociological Association
New York State Sociological Association
North Carolina Sociological Association
Oklahoma Sociological Association
Pennsylvania Sociological Society
South Carolina Sociological Association
Virginia Social Science Association
Washington Sociological Association
West Virginia State Sociological Association
Wisconsin Sociological Association
Aligned Associations
Alpha Kappa Delta
Anabaptist Sociology and Anthropology Association
Association of Black Sociologists
Association of Christians Teaching Sociology
Association for Humanist Sociology
Association for the Sociology of Religion
Chicago Sociological Practice Association
Christian Sociological Society
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
Rural Sociological Society
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
Society for Applied Sociology
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
Sociological Practice Association
Sociologists’ AIDS Network
Sociologists for Women in Society
Sociologists' Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Caucus
Sociology of Education Association

International Associations
Asia Pacific Sociological Association
Australian Sociological Association
British Sociological Association
Canadian Sociology & Anthropology Association
European Society for Rural Sociology
European Sociological Association
International Institute of Sociology
International Network for Social Network Analysis
International Society for the Sociology of Religion
International Sociological Association
International Visual Sociology Association
Sociological Association of Aotearoa (New Zealand)
Social Science/Interdisciplinary Associations
Consortium of Social Science Associations
Academy of Management
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association for Public Opinion Research
American Educational Research Association
American Evaluation Association
American Society of Criminology
American Statistical Association
Association of Gerontology in Higher Education
Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics
Gerontological Society of America
Law and Society Association
Linguistic Society of America
National Council on Family Relations
National Council for the Social Studies
Popular Culture Association
Population Association of America
Religious Research Association
Social Science History Association
Society for Research in Child Development
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion
Society for Social Studies of Science
Commission on Applied and Clinical Sociology

State and Aligned Sociological Organizations

Table 4

ASA seemed not to offer. SWS runs its annual
meeting program parallel to the ASA’s annual
meeting. In the earlier years, many sessions con-
centrated on work in sex and gender, as well as on
informal networking, and mentoring workshops.
Over time, as the ASA’s section on sex and gender
has become the largest in the association, the SWS
program has downplayed scholarly papers on sex
and gender, and has emphasized instead informal
networking, socializing, and political organizing.

SWS proposed that the ASA publish a journal on
Sex & Gender, but the ASA declined, due to a
rather full publication portfolio. SWS entered an
agreement with Sage Publishers to start such a
journal, which has been a successful intellectual
and business venture. At various points in its
history, SWS has been explicit in its watchdog role
over the ASA. Members came to observe the ASA
council meetings; the membership endorsed can-
didates for ASA offices; and candidates were asked
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