(Chris Devlin) #1


organizational, cultural, and leadership steps have to be taken to
manage creatively.

Organizational Factors

We need to look at the organizational variables that make for a creative
workplace — for example, the structure. Is it bureaucratic or organic? Is
it centralized or decentralized? Obviously, a decentralized, fl uid, less
rigid, boundary - free structure is to be recommended, since a highly
formalized environment tends to have a stifl ing effect on creativity
(Kelley and Littman, 2000 ; Goldenberg and Mazursky, 2002 ; Hesselbein
and Johnston, 2002 ). Decentralization is linked to accountability,
responsibility, and direct feedback, and as a result people gain a feeling
of control. Having a perception of control over one ’ s environment makes
people feel better. Feeling good has a positive effect on one ’ s work. The
key to getting the best out of people is a high degree of freedom. To
enhance creativity, people need to feel that they are in charge of their
work and ideas. Excessive reporting and standardized procedures are
counterproductive to this.
The company should also have performance evaluation and com-
pensation systems that reward innovation. An appropriate reward system
will single out the creative people behind a successful project for
recognition and offer them a share in the consequent bonuses or other
forms of reward in appreciation for their contribution. However, crea-
tive people are not principally motivated by rewards. It is much more
important for them to see their ideas realized. Furthermore, giving
successful contributors a piece of the action can do wonders for their
sense of equity.
There are many ways to stimulate learning and new ideas. There
should be frequent and easy lateral communication in the organiza-
tion. ‘ Bypassing ’ should not be a dirty word: people should not be
forced to communicate through specifi c or hierarchical channels. Jobs
should not be narrowly defi ned. Task interdependency and job rota-
tion can also be useful; knowing the details of other jobs leads to a
broader point of view. Multidisciplinary project teams are also an
Talent management is another critical organizational area. Diversity
should be embraced and there should be openness to non - conformists
in the organization. These non - conformists may ask awkward or unusual
questions, but they may also be the people who identify new product
niches or come up with more effective ways of organizing. In general,
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