(Chris Devlin) #1

spheres of infl uence on the development of the global leader. The strong-
est infl uences on both leadership qualities and the ability to adapt cultur-
ally stem from childhood background and psychological development.
However, these attributes can be further enhanced by early leadership
responsibilities, international work, and educational experiences. Finally,
the organizational structure provides a framework focusing the global
leadership qualities that already exist and encouraging their further
Looking further at the framework in Figure 13.1 , we can also
see that in the development of a global leader, ideally it helps to
have a childhood background characterized by cultural diversity — one
aspect being early international experience. Such a combination can
enhance language skills and an attitude of cultural empathy. At the
base of it all, however, is how one ’ s sense of self is experienced,
which is determined by the nature and quality of the person ’ s narcis-
sistic development.
Within the organization, early exposure to leadership experiences
(meaning some kind of measurable project responsibility) is important
as these will hone an individual ’ s capacity to cope with diffi cult
leadership challenges later in his or her career. These early experiences
also need to be combined with a talent management system and an
organizational structure conducive to the management of international
In the personal sphere, the attitude of the spouse is essential —
and depends largely on the spouse ’ s own exposure to other cultures and
the kind of options she or he will have available. Finally, the match
between life cycle and career cycle plays a critical role. We are more
mobile at some stages in life than others, because of children or other


Keeping Figure 13.1 in mind, the following general propositions can be

  1. Cultural empathy and adaptability are key factors for effective func-
    tioning in a global world.

  2. Executives are strongly infl uenced by the degree of cultural diversit y
    that existed within the family and early cultural exposure.

  3. Leadership qualities depend on healthy narcissistic development and
    early career challenges.

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