all human beings. When they pay attention to these needs, their employ-
ees make an extraordinary effort.
Some human motivational need systems are designed to ensure our
basic survival. One regulates our physiological needs for food, water,
sleep, and breathing, for example. Another handles the need for sensual
enjoyment and, later, sexual excitement. A third deals with the need to
respond to situations perceived as threatening, through either antago-
nism or withdrawal. Although these three motivational need systems
have a determining effect on the way people work, there are two addi-
tional systems that more directly impact the way people behave in
organizations: attachment/affi liation and exploration/assertion:
- The need for attachment/affi liation can be expressed simply as a need
for human connectedness. This need is met in organizations through
a perception of community, of belonging, and through the creation
of a group identity. - Our exploratory/assertive needs are closely associated with learning
and personal growth. This need system lays the foundation for crea-
tivity and strategic innovation. It is also addressed through having
fun, experiencing pleasure, and knowing enjoyment.
Best places to work make an effort to respond to these needs. In particu-
lar, they pay attention to three meta - values: community, pleasure, and
- Community The leaders of successful global organizations nurture
good - citizenship behavior. The prevailing attitude within such
organizations is one of mutual support, respect, and collaboration.
Teamwork is a mantra in these organizations: workers subordinate
their individual agendas to the well - being of the group. - Pleasure In successful global organizations, having fun by doing
new things — which results in continuous learning, creativity, and
innovation — is an essential part of the organization culture. Predict-
ably, this makes people more productive. - Meaning As one CEO said, ‘ People will work for money but die
for a cause. ’ Meaning constitutes a very powerful motivational force
for many people. People come to realize that there ’ s not so much to
be gained from being the richest person in the graveyard. It is
extremely motivating for employees to feel that as individuals they
are contributing something to society through their efforts, and this
sense of meaning motivates people toward higher commitment.