(Chris Devlin) #1


perceived by others. It is worth repeating that denial is a frequent defense
mechanism among hypomanics — a mechanism that seriously impairs
their critical faculty. In the hypomanic state, they are reluctant to admit
the maladaptive nature of their behavior. For the hypomanic, tout va
bien , there are no problems. However, as Mary ’ s story shows, in their
depressed state they tend to be more realistic about their abilities and
possess more insight; for that reason, they are more easily reached when
So, what can be done to help a colleague who exhibits hypomanic
characteristics? Partners and business associates can take on the ‘ con-
tainer ’ role; that is, they can psychologically ‘ hold ’ the person while
he or she is on a high or low, reining him or her in when necessary.
Partnering that person with a sober mind can make for a more effec-
tive team. An organizational role constellation whereby other execu-
tives can exert a balancing infl uence is also useful. Colleagues can
then caution the person before he or she plunges into ill - conceived
business activities. Even the hypomanic who resents such warnings
may heed them. In the case of the hypomanic who heads an organi-
zation, the role of non - executive board members as a balancing power
is essential.

Self-help measures

Hypomanic people can do a lot to help themselves. David would do well
to familiarize himself with the nature of hypomania, and to work with
a mental - health professional to put together a treatment package. He can
begin with a couple of commonsense steps toward stability. First, given
his vulnerability to mood swings, he should pace himself; the potential
for drama in his life is great enough as it is. Second, in both his private
and his public life, he should avoid situations that aggravate his condition
and create situations that do not.
Alongside these self - help measures, psychotherapy or some form of
coaching may be some help to David. Medication, while a more extreme
measure, should also be considered if his severe mood swings continue.
The combination of psychotherapy and medication may help him stabi-
lize his life.
To synthesize treatment modalities, David should also evolve a life
strategy that allows his wife to have a balancing infl uence. Taking that
step, while easier said than done, is likely to expedite therapeutic inter-
ventions. If the marriage has broken down irretrievably, he should look
for another life partner — someone who shares his wife ’ s ‘ containment ’
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